Site Diaries

Prime System Modules

Site Diary setup provides an easily completed, self management tool using any internet connected device. Job locations and numbers already loaded into the system allow frontline personnel to easily complete information by selecting options from dropdown fields or other screen option selection tools. By selecting “we need to be contacted by management” checkbox the allocated management representative can be immediately notified therefore allowing prioritisation of actions of management for the day.

The module allows monitoring of multiple work locations, work crews, lone worker notifications. Planned work vs Actual work for each location. Only the critical information for your business is utilised in the module. Confirmation of deliveries and exported material (finished product or waste – you decide) can be incorporated. Changes in work conditions can be flagged in real time to allow decisions by project managers as to agreed methods to proceed can be communicated efficiently.

Supervisors / managers can set up reminders for specific types of work or specific locations when work crews start due to a specific council or client requirement.

Photo evidence easily gathered and communicated such as, delivery dockets, fuel receipts, changes in work conditions, completed works. Images of locations before and after completed work to demonstrate diligence and quickly manage damage or public liability claims.

Alert protocols can be built into the system where key activity categories are selected as occurring by the work team, they can receive reminders to confirm that required process or controls have been put in place eg. PTW and SWMS.

Frontline supervisors / managers can receive SMS, eg. work crew reports Confined Space work to start and alert can be sent to supervisors to confirm entry permits are in place or work crew could receive a reminder as to work permit requirements.

Simple permit to work conditions can be communicated or managed via the module if needed. More complex permit to work management is conducted in a dedicated module where required.

The information contained in the module allows for tracking personnel and visitors onsite that can aid in evacuation management and provide hours worked on a project or location that can be utilised for inclusion or use in performance data reporting.

The location of work crews can be displayed on a map with the use of icons indicating status or specific categorisation that you specify for your business, eg. Incident reported, defect notified, work crew not reported in when they were expected to.

The information contained in the diary module is useful in closing out contract progress claims as the evidence of activity and work status is completed on a daily basis.

  • Capture time started and time finished
  • Capture attendees (workers and visitors)
  • Upload images of before, during and after works
  • Report on works progress, what happened today?
  • Speeds up decision making on queries from sites
  • Report on planned work (tomorrow)
  • Monitor sub contractors and field crews efficiently
  • Identify and monitor high risk works
  • Plot and report on geographical location of works (lat and long)
  • Remote teams checking in
  • Generate MTI and LTI frequency rates (integrated with incident)
  • Integrate with PTW, SWMS and Risk Management