Incident Management

Prime System Modules

This module enables scalable and timely incident reporting according to your corporate categories and escalation processes. Notifications can be aligned to your business-critical classifications. Reduce the potential for hidden event information from being brought to the attention of the right people at the right time.

Capture accurate relevant information coupled to automated time and date confirmation of reporting activity.

The business is able to easily demonstrate diligence in legal compliance with notification to the required level of the organisation depending on the classification of the incident reported aligned to your business needs, eg. you have a legal requirement to report “notifiable incidents” to regulators.

These types of incidents are in the system and will send alerts as needed to your management team to enable compliance. Contractual obligations may require clients are notified of specific categories of incidents; notifications can be set for you to manage the communication to the client.

The ability to upload documentation, images or video to the report can allow for more effective investigations in the initial stages and may enable your organisation to identify critical corrective actions required in a shorter time frame.

Responsibilities and accountabilities can be set in a workflow for investigation processes. These can be linked to key timeframes and target dates for actions to be completed. This enhances your ability to prevent reoccurrences of incidents efficiently.

Incident management protocols can be aligned with simple or more complex methodologies such as ICAM. Scale of the process is aligned to your business needs.

Corrective actions (CA’s) can be allocated and tracked as a result of the investigation process. These actions may be standalone or can be linked to specific incident records.

Data contained in the reporting module can then be utilised to generate performance or trending reports in table or graphic form. Dashboards can be generated in line with business requirements.

  • Report incidents (with images)
  • Categorisation
  • Escalation procedure based upon classification of incident
  • Generate and assign corrective actions (with timelines dependent upon classification)
  • Generate (and complete) ICAM (online)
  • Generate (and complete) Corrective Actions (online)
  • SMS notification (to appropriate personnel) for business critical issues
  • Management workflow
  • Add / assign responsibilities
  • Set reminders / notifications
  • Add key dates / milestones
  • Upload appropriate documentation
  • Generate MTI and LTI frequency rates (integrated with site diary for automated calculations and reports)
  • Reporting: Dashboards, pie charts, bar charts, heat-maps, emailed reports etc based on types of incident (and other data captured)