Audits and Inspections

Prime System Modules

This module allows for focus on relevant categories of hazard and risk to be reviewed and corrective action to be identified, addressed and allocated to the right level of the operation. The content utilised can be tailored to your needs, it allows you to complete the activity in real time and eliminates double handling of information by not having to enter the information again into another system.

Deploying the inspection / audit module you are able to demonstrate the activity of your organisation in “Check and Act” components of the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” management system cycle.

Responsibility and accountability are reinforced by action items being directed to the people that will have the impact on issues identified. The identification of potential improvement opportunities is provided for, by allowing reporting of positive performance areas or proactive actions taken by people.

There is minimal training or instruction required to complete the information requested as the layout is provided in an easy-to-follow format with simple operation screen tools.

By categorisation of nominated critical risk areas, notifications can be escalated according to potential risk to the operation rather than lower risk perceived at the time. Issues included can relate to commercial, customer service / quality or environmental issues not limited to a standard listing.

Where the system is deployed in an integrated manner the results form auditing or inspection can be connected to the expected performance or ranking in risk registers. Where the gap between expected risk levels for an activity widens to a nominated degree the system will notify the relevant level and personnel of the organisation. This can apply to a downside risk as well as positive performance.

Analysis of the information can provide simple or complex trending data that is suited to your business.

Where other modules of the system are deployed you can integrate a consistent risk category and rating system that allows you easily identify areas of “improvement or positive” performance against what was planned.

Centrally allocated tasking of personnel provides for “proactive and reactive” functions;

  • Proactive activity which is aligned to planned management system activity
  • Reactive tasks deployed to focus on immediate response to an issue with minimal delay

The information used to complete a task can be as simple as a tick box / drop down selection and or uploading an image or video.

All data will be time and date stamped and can be geo-tagged. Standard inclusions are reminders for tasks to be completed or overdue items.

Communication of results can be scaled against your organisations escalation protocols whereby if a risk category provides evidence of a potentially critical situation the right people can be notified by email, or if urgent, SMS.

Inspection and audit activity can be displayed via standard matrix dashboard or by use of location mapping techniques.

  • Complete forms
  • Upload appropriate documentation / images
  • Ensure compliance
  • Provide results / reports (in real-time)
  • Generate corrective actions
  • Identify and recognise positive performance areas
  • Assign responsibilities
  • Follow up / reminder notifications