Permit to Work Systems

Prime System Modules

Our PTW system module has the ability to be aligned to your process requirements. The system allows for Permits to Work to be: Planned > Allocated, approved > Received, acknowledged > Activated, suspended > Cancelled, renewed > Completed > Retained

Permits for work that have specified legal retention times or reporting requirements will have built in legal compliance functions. Permit validity periods are monitored, reminders or alerts issued as required.

The module provides the tool to have the right information in the hands of the right people at the time they need it. This can include risk assessments, operating instructions, emergency procedures, safe work method statements, pre-start checklists.

The system is scalable from simple to complex depending on risk levels or operational process requirements.

Some clients have a need for permit steps to be completed by personnel in different locations to each other at varying times, this system is able to manage these requirements in a timely and controlled manner.

Your key “authorised” personnel are able to issue and manage the permit to work system across multiple work faces in an efficient and reliable manner.

Critical “go / no go” decision points in the process can be identified and linked to required actions prior to the process being allowed to proceed to the next steps. An example of this is having proof of isolation devices being installed confirmed by uploading images of installed devices along with isolation proof test evidence uploaded so that it can be sighted by the responsible person before allowing the work to proceed to the next step

One efficient integration between modules is between this Permit to Work Module and the Lone Worker function. This integration enables an organisation to track efficiently and safely the status of multiple permits to work and also have real time communication with personnel. This enables compliance with the requirement to have reliable communication with your personnel at all times and trigger emergency procedures where required.

Where confirmation of personnel specific competency to complete permit-controlled work is needed this module can be integrated to the “Employee Management” function of our system. Personnel without approved competencies are prevented from being included in the Permit to Work.

You have the option to operate in a fully electronic environment (signatures / acknowledgement via mobile devices) or generate key paper-based documentation if required.

You also have the option to implement notifications to key personnel at any critical point of the permit to work process. This can be via email or SMS. Dashboards and reporting can be deployed to your specifications. QR code integration into your process management is also available

  • Permit application and generation process
  • Enter planned work
  • Upload appropriate documentation
  • Add, assign and track responsibilities
  • Follow up / reminder notifications
  • Generate required permit
  • Permit reports
  • Notifications as and when required