SWMS System

Prime System Modules

A Safe Work Method Statement is an essential piece of documentation. Utilising the SWMS module provides the capability for organisations to establish agreed work methods to be followed or utilised as the basis for minimum requirements to be in place for high-risk work to take place.

The system has provision to allow for modifications / additions to be made as part of the consultation process with those involved.

We allow inclusion of links to required information that will be utilised, addition of acknowledgement by signature and allocation of accountability to key tasks.

Integration with the Site Diary function allows the company management to be alerted if activity managed by a SWMS has been notified as starting without the SWMS processes having been completed or if the overall site management requirements have not been notified as being in place.

Retention of progressive changes in the work method as new hazards are identified or as feedback is received from the workforce as part of the consultation processes.

The module also allows for review to take place prior to mobilisation as part of the planning processes so that any issues are identified prior to start times so that work is not prevented from starting when planned.

Where management approval is required prior to work starting or utilising the work method after modification, the SWMS can be reviewed and approved by a management representative that can be in a location separate to the work crew. Additional information can be easily and quickly provided where required for the approval process.

Each stage of the process can be tracked by time and date to provide evidence if required of the consultation process being active. This capability also allows for automated version control of documentation.

The system can provide capability for work crews to work in a fully electronic environment or provide hardcopy documentation as needed.

  • Generate SWMS templates
  • Update according to work requirements
  • Add induction signatures
  • Upload appropriate documentation
  • Add, assign and track responsibilities
  • Follow up / reminder notifications