Schedule Management

Prime System Modules

This module allows review and monitoring of “planned” activity against “actual” activity and action.

By establishing the dates and actions that matter to delivery the module allows people to report against the prioritised activity at their level or timing of the project. Time is not lost by everyone having vision of who has accountability for what task.

PM’s do not have to be “on the job” physically to be able to confirm workforce levels, equipment, materials at a location or deployed against a task in real time.

By capturing this information and time/date stamping the data claims management is enhanced by reliably confirming what resources were deployed and when, against agreed activity.

The module can integrate with data from other systems to allow efficient reporting considering coding conventions for materials, worked hours and equipment.

This information can be provided on demand or in a programmed manner.

Production rate information can be calculated and checked utilising the deployed resources data against output production data. This enables management to compare efficiencies of contractors or supply chain methods therefore identifying areas of improvement or preferred contractors and production methods.

By being up to date on “current” production positions PM’s area able to respond to questions from work teams in an efficient and accurate manner, minimising potential for loss or poor decisions.

Senior Management levels are able to monitor performance without having to place demands on project teams to produce time consuming reports. A Senior Manager is then able to identify where additional support or mentoring maybe needed quickly.

The linking of images to information being entered in the system provides clarity to issues and readily produced evidence to manage progress claims.

Reduce potential exposure to construction industry “security of payment claims” by having key payment schedule dates included in project work schedules to alert managers of critical time frames in the contract management cycle.

  • Enter job data
  • Integrate with 3rd party job generation systems
  • Categorisation (of jobs)
  • Assign priority / risk (jobs)
  • Management workflow
  • Add / assign resource
  • Assign responsibility
  • Set reminders / notifications
  • Add key dates / milestones
  • Capture time started and time finished
  • Capture attendees (workers and visitors)
  • Upload images of before, during and after works
  • Speeds up decision making on queries from sites
  • Generate reports (billing codes / costs)
  • Claims management
  • Can integrate with materials forms to generate job reports