Workflow Management

Elevating Efficiency for Critical Maintenance

A family-owned civil engineering company was being increasingly challenged by a sizeable maintenance contract with a government utility. Each week they would receive thousands of urgent maintenance requests for crucial services - by fax.

Finao devised a transformative solution. The laborious task of manual data entry was replaced with an automated process, mitigating human errors and digitising incoming fax requests. Each request, distinguished by priority, found its place on a Google map, overlaying available resources.

Operational teams could now orchestrate resource allocation with precision, curbing travel times, prioritising critical cases, and restoring critical services faster.

The finao system also factored in human resource factors such as holidays, and unforeseen absences, ensuring a seamless workflow regardless of the circumstances.

What was once a complex endeavour has now seen over 100,000 tasks move through the finao system. A marriage of practicality and innovation has served to fortify essential public services and culminated in a renewed contract for the company.