Compliance requirements (ie. HVNL or WHS)

August 25, 2022

finao specialises in the design and development of online forms.

These forms are usually designed around specific business and compliance requirements and often include a variety of business smarts - All of these factors affect the complexity of the form. The data that is entered in the form often has an effect on what fields / stages are displayed later on in the form. Some of our most complex forms have over 150 stages - The stages would never all be used in a single form but would be displayed based on the data (and combination of data), submitted throughout each stage.

This inclusion of business smarts in even the most complex of forms makes it simple for the user to complete. Our forms create efficiencies, improve data integrity and provide accountability in a secure, stable and scaleable environment.

finao enables organisations to digitise even their most complex requirements.

Our skills were recently tested when a client briefed us on their Worker Fatigue Management requirements and specifically the need to be compliant with the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and Regulations.

When considering a fatigue management system there a number of considerations;

  1. Understanding and applying relevant legislation (ie. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and HVNL)
  2. Employee obligations and responsibilities (to submit accurate data in a timely manner)
  3. Effective risk management strategies (such as understanding work types, work scheduling and recording accurate hours in a rolling manner) to eliminate or minimise fatigue-related risk so far as reasonably practicable

finao sat with the client and listened to the requirements. Through listening and understanding the requirements, any considerations and the environment (they work in) we were able to provide a solution through our flexible, scalable and secure prime platform.

The client manages worker fatigue through the Fatigue Management Critical Control Standard. The Standard requires a series of controls to be in place to manage fatigue risks and hazards in accordance with relevant legislation (such as the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and HVNL). Under this legislation, the client must be able to demonstrate adequate records to support compliance with key obligations such as the completion of fatigue risk assessments, vehicle pre-start checks and compliance with rest breaks and maximum shift lengths. To assist the clients workers in complying with these obligations finao designed and developed an easy to access and use, web application.

Without the appropriate evidence (that the app provides), there is a risk that fatigue management obligations have not been met. This could result in avoidable safety incidents for the client and potentially members of the public. In the event of a serious injury or fatality where staff did not maintain documented records of actions taken to manage fatigue or undertake vehicle pre-start checks, this could also result in possible WHS infringements or criminal litigation for Officers of the organisation.

Consider that the HVNL contains infringable offences and court-imposed penalties. If a corporation commits a category 1 offence the maximum penalty is over $3.4 million, category 2 is over $1.7 million and category 3 is over $500k. Non-compliance can be costly!

Contact us to discuss how we can assist you with developing your own Worker Fatigue Management requirements or any other complex compliance and business requirements you may have.

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Compliance requirements (ie. HVNL or WHS)

finao enables organisations to digitise even their most complex requirements. Our skills were recently tested when a client briefed us on their Worker Fatigue Management requirements and specifically the need to be compliant with the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and Regulations.