Applied Intelligence

November 19, 2020

Applied Intelligence is a smart, efficient and more effective approach to collecting and processing data. Applied Intelligence can automate actions to generate value to the business.

finao uses Applied Intelligence to produce a specific workflow or outcome based on the data, or combination of data entered. We take online forms to the next level to make sure they add value, meet you business requirements and, where possible, deliver multiple benefits.

A standard online form is where a user enters data and clicks submits - Job done. But what happens if you want an outcome based on the data, or combination of data, the user submitted? Waiting for someone to action or review this data can take time and may well produce a subjective outcome. Too often workflow decisions can be based on how the reviewer is feeling at that moment in time. The review may not always align with the business.

What if the form, once submitted, produced an objective business outcome based on the data entered? This is where Applied Intelligence can help your business.

Applied Intelligence produces business efficiencies and ensures consistency in workflow and outcomes. Applied Intelligence can reduce the subjective evaluation and ensure the outcome is based on an objective, business approved opinion. If the business processes change then the smarts in the system can easily change with it.

Applied Intelligence is often used for enhancing the management of Incident and Hazard reporting, Site diaries, Corrective Actions, Audits and Inspections, SWMS / High Risk works, Contractor Management, Business Case Management, Payment Claims and User Management (to name a few).

Example: It is imperative that all Incidents are reported. There are many variables to an incident. What happened, where did it happen, who was involved, was there an injury (MTI or LTI), was there property damage, were the emergency services involved, could it affect the company reputation? The answer to these questions would determine the actions / next steps. Applied Intelligence would take the answers to these questions and determine the appropriate next steps. It could be as simple as informing the line manager, a building manager or project manager to review and close off. But it could require action by the C-level of the organisation, a Corrective Action to be generated or even an ICAM to be initiated.

For more information on Applied Intelligence and how it can help your business, get in touch!

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