
Prime System Modules

The reporting function of the system is targeted at reducing the administration time taken in data management and providing the information you need in a timely manner. Eliminate the practise of ‘reporting for reporting sake’.

You have numerous options for report creation and management.

  • Standard schedule reports being created
  • Critical incident or high-performance flash reporting
  • One off reporting configured to meet a specific need
  • Display information using text and table
  • Graphic presentation
  • Activity by geo location displays
  • Shorten key information reporting time frames for crucial periods then lengthen them away from critical times.

If you choose to have multiple modules, deployed reporting can be created from any of the data fields in the system. It is not limited to creating a report from one module or data set at a time. This allows you to have a cohesive view of the status and performance of the operation in the way that you need

This allows you to review “planned / expected” performance for activity against “actual” performance using information from what may appear to indirectly related parts of the business activity.

For example: you can view the performance of work teams or contractors compared to others but also look at the resources and methods employed to achieve the results. Allowing you to see areas of improvement or why one area performs better than another for the same tasks.

Targeted reporting information can feed back “real world” information that allows you to gain accuracy improvement in estimating and quoting for new work in real time

Report access can be triggered by scheduling alerts or emails / SMS to the right personnel to view prepared information or allow through system permissions people to create report data themselves as needed.

  • Monthly reports
  • Configurable reports
  • Emailed reports
  • Dashboards, pie charts, bar charts etc
  • Flash reporting triggered by benchmarks