Employee Management

Prime System Modules

This module fulfils the critical business need to manage resources. Knowing who you are dealing with along with the allocation of personal and role functions along with the responsibilities in place is crucial. Time spent carrying out management system tasks is focused on what is needed and “when” it is needed.

Once implemented you are able to allocate levels of access and accountability to your management system. It can be used to manage information relating to direct employees, service providers and contractors. The module provides you with an effective management of your direct employees, service providers and contractors that allows you to search for location, capability and availability.

Key operational and legally required compliance information can be collated, assessed, securely stored and monitored: Ethically, Efficiently and Accurately.

Set critical information level limits so that only “business focussed” information is requested and managed.

Efficiency is enhanced by self-management of this information requiring only a gatekeeper function rather than full-time administrative role(s). Accessing key personnel information in the format you need allows;

  • Effective capability assessment
  • Identifying gaps or excesses in skills
  • Resource allocation trends can be identified

Thus avoiding downtime or missed business opportunities.

Reduce the time taken to carry out routine management tasks such as onboarding, resource allocation / mobilisation, scheduled versus actual work time tracking or collating critical “new business bid” information to demonstrate your organisations’ abilities.

Automated monitoring and escalation of alerts regarding critical milestone and or expiry dates eg. insurance cover, licensing, critical contract performance dates.

Integration with existing business systems can prevent duplication of information, providing a single source of truth. Examples of this include injury management, payroll data entry, leave management, contractor claims process(es).

Statistical / performance reporting functions can be tailored to meet your business needs utilising information linked with this module.

  • On-boarding - Registration and Inductions
  • Upload appropriate documentation - Competencies / certification
  • Reminders for documentation expiry
  • Role Management (for control of system access / permissions)
  • Self-management
  • Timesheets
  • Leave forms / application / management
  • Worker tracking
  • Injury management
  • Provides a single source of truth
  • Integration with existing payroll system (via API)